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What I miss on REFLECTION


There is much we miss when you STOP and look back on how things used to be and how very different everything has become since COVID!!

I am fortunate that I am still able to work and looking forward to getting back to some normality whatever normal will be moving forward.

The following is just a snippet of how myself, my staff and our service users who attend the Day centre are feeling during these somewhat difficult unprecedented times.

What do I miss…..

I miss seeing my service users smiling as they walk into the centre.

I miss their smiles, their hugs and of course their blessings.

I miss the way they call and grab me again as I walk through the lounge for another hug saying, “You didn’t hug me properly the first time”.

I miss the way I would tease them and the way they would tease me back.

I miss the way Bibi would say “ I’ve had trouble with my hearing again today, would you try? ”

I miss the way we would sit together and take turns to listen to each other singing and reciting old songs with our musical instruments.

I miss the way some of the ladies would struggle to sing but would still have a go.

I so miss walking into the dining area and asking the ladies “What’s for lunch today”? And everyone would eagerly shout out what they have brought for lunch, asking me to join them, to share their meal.

Every month, on days when everyone is weighed, I miss sharing my frustration of having gained a few more pounds from last time.

I miss the Uncles complaining that his opponent is not following the rules when playing cards.

I miss the Uncles asking for second helpings for Parshad on Paat days.

I miss the ladies asking ‘Could we have an extra few more minutes to sing another Shabad’ on Paat days.

I miss mornings when we would have ‘show-and-tell’ mornings over a cup of tea and learn something new on every occasion.

I miss enjoying and taking part in client’s celebrations with a song or two followed by tea, samosas and cake.

I miss not being able to hold my client’s hands and ease their anxieties just by touch, assuring them all will be well and that we are there for them.

I miss my clients sharing their secretly kept recipes with the staff on fund raising days.

I miss sitting in the garden taking in the sunshine and having ice cream in the Summer.

I miss clients showing and sharing their wisdom when seeding the flower beds in, ready for Summer.

I miss watching the fruits of their labour as they nurture and watch their produce grow year after year.

I miss the way they would help make delicious chutney from home grown mint to their dining tables.

I miss the build up to Diwali when we would make Divas and use them to decorate our homes and at the centre.

I miss the excitement of Vaisakhi and another excuse for my ladies to buy yet another suit to show staff.

I miss clients making Christmas hats with such care and attention to wear on party day bursting to show me their efforts.

I miss the way our Bibi’s and Uncles follow the yoga tutor’s instructions and become totally absorbed in the wellbeing exercise sessions.

Having said all the above …………………I know my service users too are missing what I am missing and am hopeful that we will soon be back with each other as before, God willing.


Ravi Atwal



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